Thursday, July 17, 2008

Anniversary Present?

About a week ago, Tom was sitting at the computer and said "Oops. i think i just got us a pressure cooker/caner." We had talked about getting one, so that was fine. In the past we have frozen garden goodies, but this year we were talking about canning some things. To make a long story short, he was on eBay and saw a pressure cooker/caner with 2 min. left in the bid. He put his bid in thinking somebody would out bid.

So it has been a week and we were wondering when our new "toy" would arrive. Later that day, Tom went to get the mail. He walked in with big box and said "wait, don't open it yet, I need to get the camera." The only thing I knew that was coming in the mail was the pressure cooker, so I was a bit confused. He came back in the room and said Happy Anniversary! Still a little confused (our anniversary is a month away) I opened the box and it was a.....pressure cooker. Boy have presents changed in 9 years of marriage!!

Anyways, I have no idea how to use it and it did not come with a book. Anybody with any tips??

1 comment:

Phelan said...

First things first, take it to the county extension office and have it tested. They should do it for free. After that, I will help you out the best I can.