Saturday, December 6, 2008

French Kissing

Today ATD informed me that when you like a girl a whole lot you get married and french kiss. I asked him what "french kissing" was and he said "the boy puts his tongue in the girls mouth." I don't think I knew what french kissing was in 2nd grade! I told him that sounded gross and he should talk to his daddy to see if that is true :) The teen years are going to be fun around here!


Unknown said...

. . . like a girl a whole lot you get married and french kiss.

Now - don't panic - he said a lot right here - married first then french kiss (that's the correct order!) and when you like a girl (that's the right gender for him!)

Hummm . . . I think he'll be just fine!


Phelan said...

SO I got a call the other day. My friends 7 year old daughter had told her that she was pregnant. Why did she think that? Because she kissed my 7 year old son on the lips. At least yours is waiting until marriage.