Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pictures dad took

I did it

I survived my first day at home by myself with the 2 little ones. Mom and dad left on Sunday and Tom went back to work on Monday. I have to say i was a little (maybe a lot) nervous about having the 2 little ones, or the non talkers as Tom says, at home by myself. OTD had a few jealous moments, but overall did very well. He doesn't like the baby to be changed on "his" changing table. Of all the things to be upset about, that was not one I had thought of.

Not only did I survive with the 2 little ones, I did 3 loads of wash, dishes and everybody got dinner. Not too bad if I say so myself....

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So far the baby has been very laid back. He only cries when it is time to eat. I took him on Tuesday for a weight check and he is 6# 9 oz. We go tomorrow for his first doctors appointment.

OTD is adjusting well to the new baby. Yesterday was the first day he wanted to hold the baby. He gave him lots of hugs and kisses and then he was done.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

ETD has arrived!!

ETD arrived Friday afternoon at 3:17pm. I had a scheduled induction for Friday. Thursday night when i was trying to sleep (what a joke) I had big plans for blogging once we got to the hospital. That didn't really work ..oh well. Overall everything went well. We got to the hospital around 7 am after making a stop for a final meal of just the 2 of us--at 6am.

We were in our assigned room by 8 and I had 'pit' going by 9am. I thought things would progress quickly with being the third baby. I stayed a 3 from this point until around 11am. I got my epidural (2 sticks--not bad considering my sister was stuck 7 times) and the midwife broke my water around noon. At this point I was a 5 and stayed a 5 until 240. My epidural worked great on my bottom and my feet. I could still feel everything above that. So I guess it kinda worked, but I was still in a lot of pain during contractions. At 240 they checked me and I was a 6. I called my mom and dad at 305 and told them not to rush up when ATD got home from school that I was still a 6 and it may be a while. ETD made his debut about 10 minutes later. He surprised all of us by coming so quick. Luckily the midwife made it! I only had to push one contraction and he was here. (with OTD i pushed for 2 1/2 hours) He weighed in at 7#0 oz and 20 1/2 in long. Here are a few pictures. I'm sure we will have more to follow...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Almost baby time...

Mom and dad have arrived to take care of the boys, so now we can have this baby!! Everything is set for Friday (but now would work for me). we'll keep you updated ...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


ATD was in a wedding this past weekend. His babysitter got married and he had a great time. he was a little nervous rehearsal night (a few tears and i can't do its) but he was fine by wedding time. He looked so cute in his tux. After he pulled the wagon down and back out, he went back to the front row to sit. very cute. after the wedding he said he wanted to have him a bride one day...